hingeconstraints-big problem

so basically i just used the python script from the physics demos for hinge constraints, but when the hinge is interacted with by other objects, the physics overhead shoots up to 90% and the fps down to 5.

what i want to know is if there are any optimizations i can make, or if bullet has trouble with hinges since its still in rc2 stage

any help would be greatly appreciated!

can you either share a blend or make screenshots?

Also, what are your relevent computer specs?

(vid card, CPU, RAM)

sorry, i dont know how to post screenshots

but specs arnt a problem in my case lol
Radeon 9600 XT
2.0GHz Athlon 64
1.5 Gigs RAM

ok, now i feel kinda stupid lol
i was trying to do it with the python, but i found out i could do it through the blender gui, and for some odd reason it works alot better.

But thank you for being willing to help, i appreciate it cause id be lost i am a self proclaimed python noob:o