History of Apply Scale and Rotation?

Time to time Blender user gets into a jam during applying modifier or crating UV map where result comes out funny. All do to the fact that Object is not at right scale. In Blender, the scale of mesh element and Object is two separate things. How come? Why are they so mixed up?


So you need to use the Ctrl-a or others to reset values then it shoudl work fine


Ya, but my question was why do we even need to do Ctrl + A? What’s the point?

I was looking at 2.6 Transform property pull down list and found a lock next to many of the values. Scale can be locked to 1 now! Once you lock it, the object can’t be scaled in Object mode. Edit mode scaling works fine still. I need to work with it to see if that is good thing or bad thing for work flow.

well depens which part of blender
some modifier need to work with edit mode changes some need to be clear before
so depends what you do and use in blender

don’t think it is simple to understand it but with time and lot of practice you learn it !

happy 2.5


It’s probably a bad thing. If you want to animate the object changing size, you’ll need to create shape keys instead of just animating the size of the object.

Ok, animation, good point.