hit Bone with Ray ?

Like “hitObject”, but for the particular Bone that I have hit with the Ray. Any Ideas?

(Yes, Rays like Shots and Bones like Limbs of Enemies – now if you know that for this Weekend I make a Zombie Shooter, you get the Idea what I would need to hit Bones for. ^‿‿^ )

Bones are no physically object nor do they have a surface. So it is not possible to detect them with a ray.

But: you can parent a mesh object to the bone and detect this object.

Make sure it is bone parented. Armature parented objects do not update the physical mesh when changing the pose (maybe with 2.5).

Danke, Monster! :}
So, then I bound some Boxes around Arms and Head, now when one of them would be hit by my Ray casted from the Gun, the Box would, through a Script, access the Bone it is parented to and set that to Scale Zero while adding a separate Gib Object… guess that might work! : D

(Creepily, no one complains about such Cruelty when it is about Zombies. x3 )

You can use my addon to automatically create hitboxes for all bones in an armature with a single button press. The link to my addon is in my signature. Just select the armature and hit the button “Create hit boxes”. :smiley: