Like “hitObject”, but for the particular Bone that I have hit with the Ray. Any Ideas?
(Yes, Rays like Shots and Bones like Limbs of Enemies – now if you know that for this Weekend I make a Zombie Shooter, you get the Idea what I would need to hit Bones for. ^‿‿^ )
Danke, Monster! :}
So, then I bound some Boxes around Arms and Head, now when one of them would be hit by my Ray casted from the Gun, the Box would, through a Script, access the Bone it is parented to and set that to Scale Zero while adding a separate Gib Object… guess that might work! : D
(Creepily, no one complains about such Cruelty when it is about Zombies. x3 )
You can use my addon to automatically create hitboxes for all bones in an armature with a single button press. The link to my addon is in my signature. Just select the armature and hit the button “Create hit boxes”.