Hi, I am making this crater surrounding just for practicing because I haven’t been using blender in a while.
It is red just that you can see those black rendering probs I was talking about
im very new to blender, but it looks like you need to recalc normals:
select the crater mesh in edit mode
go into edit mode (press tab or click on object mode tab and select edit mode)
then press A to deselect all the verticies and then “A” again to select them.
then press ALT + N and click yes to “recalculate normals”
this will make all the faces “face outwards” so that should remove the dark lines you see.
also there may be a problem with your mesh. If your verticies are not all connected in a clean way there could be “planes” or large flat areas you cannot see under the crater. Rotate your mesh around and delete any extra faces you find by clicking on the “face select button” then you can click the face to highlight it and press delete to remove it. In the popup box choose “faces” instead of verticies.
hope any of that helps,
yeah, recalc normals.
also, sometimes, if your mesh is too ‘noisy’, applying a 1x sub-surf modifier to it might also help to get rid of the black triangles.
Ok, well I have calculated normals, but it didn’t help a thing. But I put a suburf level 1 on and it helpped a bit, I’ll upload the next image for u guys, but thanks!
That looks like overlapping geometry. Remove doubles and delete underlying faces by hand where needed.
Or use the “W” key and hit “Remove Doubles.” Then recalculate your normals as above.
(Nice crater, BTW)
or you can upload a blender file so we can take a look
nono, no need to anymore. Removing doubles helpped a lot. Thank you all :)!!!