Hi there. I extruded the vertexes of the arch but can’t find out how to connect them with other edge.
I’ve searched for information about this for a long time but there’s no any quick solution. Will be grateful for your help.
If you are not worried about Ngons, the best thing to do is not to extrude them like that, note that you have also created some unwanted horizontal interior faces.
Delete the vertices you extruded and select the vertices that define the face you want to create and hit f (make face) select the vertices as shown here:
Note that I already made a face on the right hand side of the arch with this method and it has created an Ngon (which will lead to shading problems if you smooth shade or subdivide)
The problem is that you can not connect vertices to edges by extruding them towards the edge. Vertices can be merged (connected) to other vertices but not along an edge, you would have to subdivide the edge first to create vertices to connect to, then create faces that connect the vertices.
Maybe it is possible to reflect a group of vertices on this segment? I don’t want to recreate each point manually. In other more complex cases, this will be very tedious.
You could subdivide the edge to add the vertices, select the edge, then right click and choose subdivide and set number of cuts to the number of vertices you need, then fill in with planes.
There are many different ways to tackle geometry like this, I would tend to do something like this, so that the edge loops from the arch do not propagate on the whole mesh. The bevel modifier avoids artefacts with smooth shade. It all depends on how you want to continue the mesh.
In most cases, you don’t even have to select the boundary of the hole before pressing f. Just select all (A), then press F and it should fill all the holes in your model. Blender is creepy good at knowing which faces to fill when you select all (A) & fill (F).
Thanks for all your replies. I have found a solution. First I separated the arch, then extruded, bisected the top part, joined it back to the main mesh and merged by distance in order to cut doubles. I couldn’t merge the upper edge, however now this has a correct quad based topology and all process was very quick.
Ok, but this is not correct topology as you still have a “slit” where the vertices you could not merge are. That slit will cause shading problems. I would not call it a solution as your mesh is not “solid”.
Sorry to insist but if you want to get rid of the slit, you will have to add vertices to your edge (subdivide it) and merge them with the ones from the arc. This will create an ngon ( a face with more than 4 sides).
If you want all quad topology you would have to propagate those edge loops all around your mesh (or gradually lower the edge loops count.) instead of subdividing the top edge loop-cut it with enough cuts to join to the arch.
Here is a video on reducing edge loops.
Thanks. I will try it.