I’ve got this set up, where if you click on one thing, another object rotates. But right now, you have to repeatedly click on it manually. Is there a way to make it (with Python?) check for a mouse click every .01 second, or something to that effect?
Hmm, I don’t see what the problem is. Adding a simple LMB mouse sensor, controller, and motion actuator seems to do what you want.
I activated “true” level pulse, or whatever that little button is called, and now it works.
I’m basically making a control system with the same UI as those model viewers you see around the net.
You could have a boolean parameter “Rotate” on the display object and set it thus:
a) rotate when Rotate = true
b) when receiving a message “doRotate” and rotate is true, set rotate to false
c) when receiving a message “doRotate” and rotate is false, set rotate to true
d) set your click button on mouse click to send a message “doRotate” to everything