Holes in my mesh

Hello, I have some holes in my mesh. Here are two pictures:



Picture info:
Size: 640x480
Quality: 100%
Render: YafRay
No OSA, Ray, Shadows, EnvMap
2 lamps: One far above on top, second at the end of the tunnel in the middle

I’m following this tutorial and just made it at the NURBS steps.
I have followed the same steps as told in the tutorial, I have only set it smooth.

First it where 5 NURBS Circle’s. Duplicated and put them in a row, joint them and added a face. And then changed it into a mesh. So I rendered it and then this came out. I have had this before at another chapter in the tutorial but skipped the errors cause I thought maybe I might learn it later on in another chapter.

Now the only thing is when I render it with blender internal there are none errors, but when I render it with YafRay there are these holes.
I have tried to recalculate the normals outside but that makes no difference.

So please can somebody help me with this hole problem?

When you view the object in the 3D window in UVFace mode do you see the holes?


I haven’t study’t the UVmapping function yet but I will try to give an answer.
When you are in 3D window instead of object- or edit-mode you choose UV Face Select? When I’m there I don’t see any holes. It is an complete tunnel with both ends open.

Could you please upload that file here:


and post the link to it so I can download it?


File name: Tunnel_holes.blend

And I really appreciate your help. :slight_smile:

Strange. I get no holes with Yafray BUT you don’t have any of your Yafray settings on. In F10 set RAY and OSA on, unclick XML in the first Yafray tab and in the second set Method to Skydome and Quality to Medium.


Awesome it works now. No more holes. Big BIG thanks!

A dumb me that I did not unclick XML option, I haven’t study’t any YafRay tutorials.
I thought it would just work. :o :o :o