Hologram Effect

This is my image and composition nodes, dont know what I´m doing wrong that the output its so different from the render result.


Did you check the alpha settings on the output? Can you render it in another file format and see what it looks like? If it’s the same in every file format, there could be something different wrong, but at least you can rule out that the png format has something to do with it.
Did you save the image from the render result (F3)?

Yepe it was saved from the render result…!

And that occur in any image format, tiff, or png, because I need the alpha…

Did you check RGBA in the properties panel under render -> output?

precompute on alpha?

Raub, yes the RGBA is checked because without it I will not have the alpha that I´m looking for…
David, I do not understand what you mean…

Check your output settings for render. See the Shading Tab, Alpha: (options are) Straight, Premultiplied, Sky.

Each determines what is placed in the image where the alpha says transparent. Other apps interpret this transition differently.

Yes, I alredy try the three options but the output it´s the same…

I really dont know what I´m missing here…


Ok, just for quote, I figured out a way of making things better, add after the glare a directional blur, and connect the image and alpha from that node, that will result a better output.