Home decoration from Azerbaijan

This me -Mehman from Azerbaijan who uses Blender alone here :). tried more and made a little scene, hope you will love it, thanks beforhand :slight_smile:
Blender Cycles render
Samples 600

Scene modelled, textured, rendered by Mehman Jamalov (me)

I thought it was very good. quite liked the scene illumination, mainly of lamps on the wall.

nice work
touch too much gloss on floor
but maybe you have better polish then me :wink: lol

Very nice picture and a very nice render.

The floor is the weak spot on this picture in my opinion for two reasons. First, I don’t think a flooring installer would use beveled edges between the boards, and two, the wood grain passes through the bevels indicating the boards are not individually textured objects. It looks great until one digs into the details.

Overall a very pleasing image though.

Very nice! maybe you should work on the bump map in the floor…

Hi Mehman, greetings from Athens.
The colors are warm and inviting. A nice combination of traditional decoration and simplicity.
Very nice lighting, both through the window and conches.
I agree the floor is the weakest part, the board outlines are too pronounced and possibly off scale.
The couch model is a little “bulky”
Very nice

The ground is the poor spot on this image in my view for two reasons. First, I don’t think a flooring surfaces installation software would use beveled sides between the forums, and two, the timber feed goes through the bevels showing the forums are not independently distinctive things. It looks great until one digs into the facts.

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