Hi everyone,
first of all i want to apologize if it is wrong section, but i have no idea where it should be.
I’m student from Poland and in my school from 2 years we have large conference about every kind of IT science called “Potęga Informatyki” [Eng. IT power]. This year at December we will have third edition of it and I want to replace laser projection which was for last two years by 3dmapping. But i don’t want to pay for that and do it by my own.
I was looking for any kind of information how to do it, but there is no god source of knowledge about that. So if someone could to tell me how i suppose to start and how to do it properly.
I know that I should make a model of assembly hall and prepare some animation with that model. But there is problem witch knowledge about render, light and everything else what is connected with 3d projection. If anyone wants to join to my team it would be nice. If someone wants to look at last conference – click). I want to use at least 3 projectors like this (click not exact that one but with the same parameters ) and more if it will be necessary. I know that it isn’t the best hardware but I only have this one and I want to make “home made 3d mapping” . What you think about that ?
And of course I want to use Blender for that