I’ve been working on my first blender project for a while now and thought it would be good to get some constructive feedback on it. I’m trying to create a custom home theater intro that I can play for guests before watching a movie.
The parts that I’ve modeled so far are my home theater room itself, a very detailed model of the universal remote control that I use, and the futon and coffee table in the room. The first two are fairly detailed and accurate while the two furnature models are less detailed than the others.
I’m still trying to decide between two different “timelines” for my intro.
Starts outside, maybe a night sky and/or some fireworks or something neat like that. Fly around to see a typical movie theater building exterior that’s all light up. Fly into the doors, and get pulled into a sort of wormhole like animation that ends up in the home theater room (see animation below), and it ends with “And now for our feature presentation on the screen”.
Start inside the room, dim the lights, press play on the remote. Then get “sucked” into the screen and into a wormhole like animation that ends up in front of a movie theater. Fly into the theater, down a hall and open up into my theater room with the “And now for our…” message on the screen.
I’m looking for feedback on anything and everything, but to narrow it down a bit, my biggest question areas are lighting in the room and textures for things like the futon, table, carpet, etc. Also, any input on the “timeline” with other ideas, suggestions would be helpful as I’m about to start work on those models. Thanks in advance!
Here is an animation inside the room (compressed with the Xvid codec). And here are some larger still frames from that animation.
- Tim