Hooded Thugs (Head textured) WIP Tuesday 16/12/06.)

Woot. Working on this character and variations thereof for a project.

If anyone ever saw the Dark Hallway, it’s loosely related, though I scrapped that ages ago in favour of making a new one.

Anyway, here he his. His nick-name’s Xansteel.


I’m gonna let you all know first off that I am perfectly aware of the shadow artifacts, those are just the results of cheap buffer shadowing and are easily fixable.

So. Lay it on me. Also, if you have any tips on how to improve the design, be my guest and battle it out with me. Keep in mind I’m going for something cold and distant and quietly sinister, capable of brutality without batting an eyelid. Hurray. XP

Anyway. I’m off to bed. Goodnight people. /:]

Legs, hands, materials, textures…JK. Anyways, I wouldn’t want meet him in the dark that is for sure…I feel the pocket on the right is a little large, but of course that is just an opinion. I can’t wait to see it with materials.


I like how he comes with his own vacuum excessaries. The front packets need some kind of button or buckle to stay closed. You need to change your lighting a bit its tough to see in some of them dark areas.

3Dak: You were right about the pocket, I think. I fixed that. : ]

And on Jessegp’s advice (though I was planning to anyway) I added straps. I also changed the ridges on the neck guard to make it look less vacuum-hose-like. Yeah, the corrugated tubes with padding in them are one, to impede knives and slashes and stuff, and two, to make it harder to snap his neck.

Worked on the sleeves some more and added the beginning of pants. If anyone wants to get a different angled shot or a different kind of shot or anything, just say.


Man, thats a good model, keep it up

dude that is nice! I love the detail keep it up

That is awesome keep it up

This is nice, i really like the feel, modelling, lighting etc. Really looking forward to watching progress. Keep it up:D

Ohh, hey, blenditall–you’re working on the Violin, right? It’s pretty nice.

Hey though, people. Criticisms, anyone? They’d be appreciated.

Very cool! Can’t wait to see him with textures


The only problem I see is that it looks alarming alot like the shock troopers in Half Life 2.

Outside of that, your doing an amazing job.

What are shock troopers? :stuck_out_tongue: I’ve never played half-life 2, so I wouldn’t know.

EDIT: Actually, I just checked.

The only similarities I can see is 1. you can’t see the face because of a mask, and 2. the mask has eye-holes.


The eye-holes aren’t even the same shape. The combine trooper’s helmet is contoured to the skull, coming up with a forward extrusion near the eye, with ‘candy-corn’ shaped eyes, tilted slightly outward, the eye bridge then folds forward into another extrusion that has respirator on it.

This guy has a leather hood with big–completely circular and not extruded at all, I might add–flat glass lenses. He does not have a respirator, it’s just an area stitched forward to give his mouth some room.

The combine has a coat, but not to the extent that my guy has it, my guy has a great-coat. And giant leather shoulder-pads. And a neck brace, and a turned up collar. And his stuff is all bulky and layered and rumpled, as opposed to the Combine, whose uniforms are neat and stitched and, on a side note, have no shoulder enforcement at all. Also, they have zippers, my guy has buttons.

You can’t see it yet, but my guy is also going to have massive boots. Different than the bound-down look that the combine has on its extremities.

I hope I’ve put that theory to rest. XD Sorry about that.

Their soldiers, civil protection, and they look sort of similar, but not as beefed up.
EDIT nm, guess you know now

tho i have to agree, they dont look too much alike

sry, double post,
One crit, just noticed some problems on the shelf protectors. The top ones have a nasty crinkle. And just a bit more detail on the belt.

Shelf protectors? o.O

And belt buckle is on the way, that and boots.

ahem…shoulder protecters(why did I say shelf?..)

Freeality, I don’t know quite what you’re referring too, but I might have fixed it. Also. Belt buckles and boots. The boots are kinda crummy, they need a lot of stitching, as well as shoe-laces, but I figured I’d throw this up before hitting the sack.


Thanks for your help so far, people. Come on, wail on me with some stuff, though. This has to be good for the movie.

Great model, but the shoes? They look like something Santa Claus would wear. :wink:


I’d say, go in that direction. :slight_smile:

Hey, nice reference, I might just use that!

I was going for that general look anyway, but I said they weren’t finished. I have to add the flaps, the shoe-laces in the flaps, the creases, the stitching, the steel toes and the soles. XD

Still though, good reference. Nice eye for that. Thanks. I’ll definately keep it on my hard drive. :]