I have been playing with hooks…How do I make the empty which represents the hook stay with the vertice group that I have assigned it to? And why does the origin of the hook not go to the new empty? And if I move the mesh…why does the hook stay in the same place? I have tried a parent-child relationship, but it does not work…nor do groups…Am I wrong to try to create poses with hooks?
Hooks are Empties.
Hooks move vertices, not the other way around.
After you have established a hook on a mesh, exit edit mode and parent the hook to the object. Remember to press ALT-G to clear the location on the Empty/Hook after parenting. Now when you move the object, the hook will remain with the object.
Am I wrong…
Use bones instead of hooks to setup poses, a much easier system.
well, technically, you can vertex parent an empty to a vertex
Thanks a lot for the replies, I will try Alt G and see how that works. I didn’t know you could make parents in edit mode. I was parenting hooks to hooks, or empties to empties that is, and it didn’t work out quite right. Thanks.
Well I guess I didn’t really understand hooks. Nothing to do but to try to understand armatures again. I guess it will be a good winter project…along with putting a new bone nut on my guitar…cheers