Hello hello
I’m looking to model and animate something similar to the picture below in cycles.
The problem occurs When i move the camera. This disturbs the relationship between the horizon, the water and the image of the sun.
Using an environment texture for the sky in the world settings: When i move the camera (even just a few blender units) up in height or towards the horizon, a tremendous gap between the end of the ocean and the background appears (even despite making the ocean really big).
Using an image as a plane for the sky/sun: When i move the camera towards the sun it gets bigger, which is unnatural for an object of that distance (even despite putting the image very far away).
Using a sky dome. Same problem as point #2
Understandably none of this would be an issue if this was a sill render.
In sum: How do i create a sky and image of a sun which interacts correctly with the edge of an ocean
Thank you in advance!