The first page contained so much doohickerish information that I couldn’t bring myself to reading it 11:00 in the morning. Could somebody sum it up in 3 or so sentences?
I could be wrong, 1 minute read: trying to patent a process/
I sell oranges in boxs, and invented a machine to pack the boxes, my patent doesn’t just include the machine but the idea of selling oranges in boxes, if you sell oranges in boxes I’ll take you to court.
something like that.
To sum it all up. SW patent is giving rights to the first one with an idea and money to patent it. i.e. big corporation that is the first to throw money on say on the next innovation like the next generation www gains rights to profit in any way they see fit.
If this proposal is approved, if you want use a patented
algorithm, you must pay.
This mean only the big industry can produce software=
death of open source…or almost…
It means Blender’s in jeopardy.
and Gimp, Wings, Yafray, and any software
that relies on freely available algorithms, data structures and
other processes to function.
No it doesn’t. That would be covered by ‘prior art’.
It does mean a company can patent an algorithm/data structure they invent, and then use it as a unique marketing device. Linux itself would be in most danger from this, although now given the way so many big enterprise people are developing with Linux as part of the strategy, it would be counter-productive to patent something, because you wouldn’t be able to include it in your Linux kernel distro without making your changes available.
One particularly amusing example of how they can be misused though was the whole Macromedia/Adobe business, in which they sued and counter-sued each other (over UIs), until both companies realised they’d just been paying the lawyers an awful lot of money for getting absolutely nowhere.
I asume the “economic majority” that they say supports this means the people with the majority of the money - ie the people who it benefits?
actually if you can prove you were doing something before someone patented it, it’s incredably hard to sue/proscute/inforce but it will mean bad news for development in any software anywere. even big companies will get in trouble with this.
Since blender does everything imaginable I guess we have nothing to fear.
A provision for ‘Prior art’ would protect Blender in its current state
But what effect (if any) would legalised patents on ‘computer implemented inventions’ by the Europian Parlement have on Blender and the Foundation?
Software patients are crap. All they do is stifle innovation. Look at companies like who patiented the idea of storing peoples information in a database to be used later. They called it one click shopping and will sue your ass if you use something like it on your web store. What a bunch of crap. Don’t let Europe turn into the US. I live in the US and everything is going to hell in a hand basket.
Fuck the gready bastards of this world. They should all be shot.
up to now i just supported os by using it, because i think it is important, that wisdoms is free. i was absolutely not interested in security problems or licence matters up to now - and i think many of you are as well - but if they are going to kill linux and its sons, that means war.
I am assuming this petition has been slashdotted… i didnt see it though…
Top left hand corner in the white box where it says petitions and go to forms. Canada isn’t listed but put North America from the “other countries” drop down menu.
Cool, it took like 5 minutes for the page to come up but I was able to sign it.
please sign this petition. mail this news to all your friends and tell them why they should sign too. Simply our freedom is for sale here. Big companies want to get richer and they have no problem to sacrifice open source if necessary
Open source is one of the most altruistic generous things mankind does today. It is something we can be proud of. Please help to protect it. It’s not much work.
please sign and spread the word. And just remember that you got Blender for free.
well, hopefully the people that look at the petition understand the level that people understand the issues and just throw it out… sheesh…