Hotkey to add-ons page

Can I map a hotkey to instantly open the add-ons page in the settings? I’ve looked through the keymaps but couldn’t find anything for this. If not, is there a way I can script this to happen?

And same question for the keymap page! I’m currently tinkering with the addons and keymaps plenty and it would be nice to have a way to just jump to those pages.

Welcome :tada:

Long answer:

…if you just type “preferences” or “keymap” into the Blender Preferences → Keymap: Name field… then there seems to be nothing what you actually can asign to any key for this … also the right click -: Add to quick menu does not wotj in there… so:

Short anser:



But you can have the preferences window just not to be closed…or even put it somewhere into you main window :wink:

Fair enough, thanks. It just feels like there should be a python command to call this up but I guess not. Actually haven’t thought about keeping it in a workspace tab, it’s a great idea!

Oh… yes… actually there is a type holding this informaton : docs.blender api bpy.types.Preferences.html active_section
… and you can set it for example in the Python Console view via

 bpy.context.preferences.active_section = 'ADDONS'

…for a “quick implementation” of a python command as button… i tried

…but this was a bit too quick… :sweat_smile: … this may be because i just had my first cup of :coffee:

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a very late reply, but thank you so much for this addon, this does exactly what i wanted!