Houdini's Particles to Blender with Alembic ( Attributes import problem )

any news on the abc importer with the attributes? I am trying to import a particles sim in blender and I need the Cd. From what I gather the Cd is the only attributes beside the position that blender is able to import, but it only works for meshes, not for points.

I used the entagma workaround abobe a lot of times, but here with almost 5 millions particles blender just can’t handle the attribute transfer trick.

Is the alembic importer still limited to position or did they update it? I am afraid is still not possible, since I can’t seem to import the Cd with points, but maybe I am just doing something wrong?

This is how I am exporting the baked sim to alembic. As you can see I deleted all the attributes, except for P and Cd. Still, in blender I see no attributes available.

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Hi, if you are on Windows, I made a test build which contains support for arbitrary attribute import, as well as importing curves and point clouds using the new data structures (which are the ones native to geometry nodes).


that’s awesome, I’ll test it, thanks! Is that build something that is going to land in master soon or is it a side project for now?

Also, there’s something funny going on.
When I try to use the Entagma hack in 3.4, with the sim I am trying to export now blender becomes unusable, as you can see from this screen, the time to transfer the attribute with the new attribute transfer system is just ridiculous:

On the other hand in 3.3, using the old system, performance are perfect.

Why is this? Is it a limit/bug of the new system or am I doing something wrong?

The features are supposed to be contributed to master, but code review and updates from side are slow. It won’t be in for 3.5 though.

As far as performance problems related to geometry nodes are concerned, this is not my area of the code, so I cannot give an answer or some ideas. You should consider filing a bug report for performance regression between 3.3 and 3.4, or maybe first ask in relevant support channels.


This is weird, try Master build, if it persist then report the bug, this is clearly a regression.
As a workaround you can to split the abc into 4 abc from houdini, maybe it will help blender

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this is in 3.4 master (maybe I have to check 3.41, maybe it was one of the bugfixes?)

Anyhow, I agree, it is a bit weird, I’ll look into it and eventually report a bug.

Thank you for your work Kévin, proper alembic attributes support is probably the number one feature I’ve been waiting ever since Geometry Nodes came out. REALLY hoping it comes out with 3.6

(also, thank you for making it the 3.5 alpha; I’ll probably be using your build for a while)

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Yeaa! Thank you so much! This is pure gold! Spent my last few days searching for this! :))

Hi fellow blender users! Im trying to put a collection instance with geonodes on my alembic partciles that I’ve exported from embergen. With this alpha branch now I have the attributes, so I can set color, etc. for the particles, but I just cant figure out how can I pick instance fixed on the points ID-s. It seems like its constantly changing, but I hope that I just cant set it right, not another technical limitation. I’ve collected the experiences of my research in the following post in jangaforums: https://forums.jangafx.com/t/alembic-pointcloud-id-s-solved/1481/3
There are some related topics from blenderartists too, so I hope someone can help!

Oh my Gosh, @KWD you are an actual lifesaver. I was trying to import sparks for my fire sim in embergen, and I needed size, color, and velocity. I’ve been trying to find a solution all day.

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Hi! Any progress on merging alembic attributes import to Blender? Is there some PR/issue on projects.blender.org to keep track of it? Was looking for custom attributes support as there’s so much data gets lost from imported alembic files.

Actually there is progress: the velocity attribute from point clouds is now imported from Alembic and properly rendered as motion blur in Cycles.

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