
It was supposed to be an oasis… 8)


Very cool concept. The biggest thing you need to work on in this scene is lighting. It would be nice for the oasis to have some shadows.

Awesome work.



I like. Looks cool. :slight_smile:

very interesting idea.

i’m searching a way to do a good wood shader, how did you do the wood shader? it look so better than any other i did.

looks like somebody else inspired this

EDIT>> https://blenderartists.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=21896&highlight=sand

The wood material is nice, yes. Though that “shader” is probably just a wood image :slight_smile:

The whole idea is very nice, I like it.

It looks good, but i would turn up the hardness on the glass.

Thanks… :slight_smile:

Lighting… Hmmm… I know… It’s poor :expressionless:

Though that “shader” is probably just a wood image :slight_smile:

yes - a wood image :slight_smile:

I love the concept … whimsy always strikes a chord with me. What I’d do to this picture is simply pull the camera back a bit. The hourglass is so “in my face” that it feels distorted; and maybe it is.

The effect in the bottom of the hourglass is quite nice, so maybe all it really needs is a background image for the top, instead of the featureless black space that’s there right now. If you want to, you could add a few other well-chosen objects to further the joke; objects relating to time, or maybe a vacation brochure, or what have you. (What would Charles Addams do?)

I can’t tell what’s casting that shadow across the sand in the lower globe, but whatever it is, it sure isn’t casting a corresponding shadow on the wooden base below. There’s a similar funny-stuff going on in the top globe: are you trying to depict a seashore there? If so, then you need to add a little something that says “seashore,” like a tiny little sailboat, and probably lighten-up the color, make it more green or blue or whatever. I also wonder if the whimsy might not work just-as-well if the trees (stumps) were not simply omitted from the bottom-globe.

Also, “if the sand is well-lit from the top, then by logic the trees would be too.” Since it is a tongue in cheek whimsy, I think you could get away with there being no such light being cast onto the top of the wooden stand. Obviously, “what’s inside the hourglass is fantasy.”

This is, however, a very fun, very creative idea … like some of the pictures that Robert Tinney (sp?) used to paint for the early covers of BYTE. (“Pascal’s Triangle” and the rest…)

Cool idea. Sand always seem to be a hard thing to get realistic.

How did you do those nice wood textures? ¿ ?

If you want to know “how I made …” look at the blend http://iinteam.gamecode.cz/19.blend :wink:

Hey thanks,
Kool, I like it.