This is a project of mine, I am doing it just for something like a portfolio, You can tell me what I can do to do it better, thank You. You can tell me if You like it too. Cycles, 1, 600 samples.
Underexposed. Lift highlights
May be just me but I would like to see the interior a bit brighter.
New render, 700 samples, cycles.
The glass material (I don´t really know if it work well):
The only way to get a cleaner result is increasing the samples?
This have 6 and 6 in the clamp value.
I am thinking about change the colors of the walls, thanks for the feedback.
Needs depth of field for the palm leaf foreground.
If no one have suggestions I will let it like that, I have been working lot of time in this render, thank You for the feedbacks.[ATTACH=CONFIG]337368[/ATTACH]
I think that the palm in the foreground is to symmetrical and draws attention to itself. Perhaps some shallow depth of field would make it less obvious?
New render. Obviously I changed the palm because of Your coment 3pointEdit, thank for the feedback.
Wow ! BIG WORK I like the minimalist architecture and the swimming pool is beautiful !
In the same time I have a problem with the central room… I can’t explain why but this part of the building is the central element and I have the feeling it’s not totally completed yet. May be this room is too ‘pared down’ compare to the other rooms or the hanging lights and the stove are not modern enough. Once again it’s just my own feeling…
Thank You Zakousky, I think I have more work to do, hope it will be worth.