House Modernization


My latest comissioned project: House Modernization. The client needed to show his investor how his project would look after the planned modernization of his house. Feel free to ask me if you have some questions regarding the project :slight_smile: Enjoy!

If you like my work please visit my portfolios to check out my other projects:

In case someone is wondering: Grass and leaves were made with the awesome Graswald addon :slight_smile:



@winterman have a great project here i think​:blush:! Can you post to us your render settings, light setups, wireframes and nodes? Exactly, behind the scene itself?:grin::smile:

Thanks a lot! I’ve used 1000 samples and 4000x3000 px resolution. For the lighting I’ve used an hdri from HDRIhaven and some area lamps on windows. No denoising as I’ve noticed that it gave these images some weird artifacts.

Here’s a setup for a HDR:

Here’s a view of the scene on the first shot

And here’s the second shot:

I always do my images on different blender files and do not complete the mesh if it is not necessary as you cen see on these screenshots. I’ve never actually completed a project of several images within a single file. I was wondering if I am the only one? :smiley:


@winterman :smiley:nice BTC. Just don’t understand what did you meant like I always do my images on different blend files?:open_mouth:

What I meant was that as you can see on screenshots each shot that I made was developed on a different .blend files with some variations on the model. For example: on the first shot i didn’t finish the back side of the roof simply because i didn’t need to. I don’t know it this is a correct way of working on a project but it surely works for me at the moment :slight_smile:

I am curious if everybody in archviz work in a similar way or if they just prepare all their shots in a simple .blend file

here’s a screenshot that shows it better :slight_smile:


I’m working sometimes like you in complex scene for fix crash or corrupt my blend files

Can you show your post-pro setup? Do you use all nodes or do it in Photoshop as well?

For the post production firstly I used a glare node in compositor set to fog glow. The rest of postproduction was made in Photoshop and the setup was adjusting some contrast and curves and basically that’s it :slight_smile:

I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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Thank you! :slight_smile:

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