Here’s the new hoverbike for 2016! The bike started in Modo then I transferred to Blender for detail modelling, cycles rendering and preparing for 3D printing. I’ve been blown away by the capabilities and community of Blender, looking forward to 2.8 and seeing where blender goes.
The bike was done in collaboration with a friend (he’s doing a figure sculpt in clay to go with the bike) We planned to have a 1/8 resin kit finished for DesignerCon in Pasadena, CA but ran out of time. Anyway here it is, I’ll be posting more as we print it out bit by bit.
I only really see two problems with it from a design perspective. First is that i don’t see anywhere for it to sit down on the ground. Either it’s burning fuel 24/7 just to stay aloft, or you turn it off and it settles down on the ground entirely though very thin and presumably fragile areo farings, which would at least mess up your paint. Needs some retractable landing gear or aerodynamically shaped rubber nubbins on the farings. The other thing i’d say is that there’s no visible power transmission between the core motor/generator and the hoverpod thruster things on the farings. Even just some thick high voltage wires clamped onto the carbon fibre struts would imply functionality and bring your eye towards the pods a little more.
Otherwise it’s utterly magnificent work, i’d love some more detail shots of it
Ah, this looks so cool! I love the design of the bike, and the materials in the render. Great to see how it is transferred to 3D printing as well, I hope to gain experience in that myself one day. It must be nice to see something you’ve created on a computer becoming a physical thing. Looking forward to seeing more!
Still needs something to land on. Making machines pop is is all about giving points of reference for people on how it relates to them. Stuff like handrails, steps, handholds, controls, little labels and so on are what turns an object from a thing that does stuff to a machine to operate. Plus helping with expressing scale 'n such. really small handrails and steps make something feel a lot bigger even if it takes up the same screen space. And correctly proportioned stuff like that jacks up the belief factor like hell.
Also the welding and discoloration on the exhaust type pipes on the main motor is excellent. I really like that
Wow! that looks freakin awesome! I just started learning to design using Blender to also 3D print but I still have a long way to go. What did you print it with? FDM printer? Love to see more of your 3D printed work
Me too! It’s been months of troubleshooting the damn printer, but hopefully it will come together soon
Shurik Thanks!!
Habauk Thanks that was a fun shot! I was going for the uber dramatic car commercial look
Reemaj - Thanks! This was printed on a homemade DLP SLA printer, using light to cure resin. I have some more 3D print stuff on my website
Does anyone have tips on how to reduce noise on the carbon fiber material? The anisotropic texture was taking forever. My light for the scene is pretty thin also which I guess is a problem but are there any tricks to get this lighting with less noise?