I need to apply the displacement map onto the model so that I can edit the new vertex location. I was wondering how can I ‘bake’ or ‘apply’ or whatever the map onto the model’s mesh shape? I searched and could not find out how…
The new CVS versions of blender has it. SoC Modifier something. I don’t have the link, sorry.
and for windows
just add a displacement modifier set to normal (default) and give it tge name of your texture, it´s really easy
Does this affects the polycount of the object? I mean, you need to
subdivide your mesh a lot to get the fine details, right?
Yes, but you would have needed that anyway if you instead would have added it the displacement as a texture. But if you don’t want to deal with the extra vertices (although they will be there) you can add them trough the modifier stack too. Just do it before the displacement.
Ok, ok, I just wished to know if this was a viable alternative to have
sculpting with limited poly and big textures (this way we could work on
2048x2048 textures and 100k poly meshes that are more light to work with
than millions poly meshes) but if I understood well, even with the espresso
script this is limited (and I don’t think there’s an easy way to bake a
mesh+displacement map into a mesh + normal map…).
Have to try expresso and see if there’s a good way to recalc the displacement map after apllying to a low-mid poly mesh…