Im working on this EVO suit from LaserMaxx to practice my hardsurface skills and wondering how I can bevel the shoulder part. Should I add another mesh and bevel it from there or work from the already existing faces?
You could join (ctrl+j) the extra parts to your model and use bevel node in the node settings to get that nice transition where faces cross each other.
Thanks, is the bevel node available for Eevee? Heres what I was looking for
If I understood your request correctly, you wish to model the rounded part of the shoulder.
Many solutions:
You create a new object (shoulder) with the modifier [SimpleDeform]> Bend (as in the video of your example …).
You place this new object in correspondence with the “Front Face” object, you join them with CTRL + J, you go into Edit Mode and you merge the different vertices. -
You can also use the modifier [SimpleDeform]> Bend on a part of your mesh to give it the curve you want.
In the example below, the selected part (in orange) has been the subject of several operations (all this in edit mode):
-1- [Object Data Propertie] tab ==> Create a Vertex Group (Shoulder) and assign.
-2- Add an Empty at the base of the part that will be curved
-3- [Modifiers] ==> Add Modifier> SimpleDeform> Bend
Hope this answers your question …
To facilitate the modeling of your model, you could have started, not from the front, but from the side.
So you could immediately give the curvature of the shoulder and create the front and rear profile.
No, not at this time. It would be amazing if it worked.
Not as shader, but you can bake out the new normals the bevel node creates (in cycles) and use them as normal map in Eevee.
@FreeAccess I tried your method but I cannot get the market parts even alligned. Do you think you could share the blend file so I can inspect it? Heres the steps I did.
Excuse me, but I don’t understand your problem
When I look at your different steps, I don’t see anything particular. . . apart from a few angles they remain to be beveled.
What do you want to achieve as a result on the view marked by four red arrows …?
Why use the “Boolean” modifier when you have the Hardops addon ??
Yeah, its difficult to get the cuts even aligned. The other side gets different in size no matter what I do. How did you get it even in your model? Im not so skilled yet, maybe I should look up some Hardops tutorials
Nothing complicated …
- You create the basic shape using the profile that you extruded
- You create a new object which will be used to “cut” your basic shape. . think to properly prepare this piece (bevel …)
- You select this object then SHIFT + your basic form.
- CTRL + - Numpad (minus key) for boolean operation.
- You select your basic object then Q key to activate the Hardops> Sharpen menu