How can i bring origin to the rig? Simple set origin to geometry distroys armature

HI. How can i bring origin to the rig? Simple set origin to geometry distroys armature. So if i select rig in object or pose mode and shift cntrl alt c set origin to geometry - it destroys armature - rig moves out of the mesh. By the way origin of the mesh is also not in the right position so maybe this causing some issues…So how can i do that?

Also i noticed that the origins doesnt want to jump back to some parts of the mesh even after applying scale rot and loc for this parts

Use Alt-P, Clear Parent and Keep Transforms on the mesh(s). Next apply loc, rot and scale to the armature. Then apply loc, rot and scales to the mesh(s). Finally, re-parent mesh(s) to the armature.

Ok. Thanks will try this. But is not mesh will lose some weights after reperenting?. Because not all of the weights are automatic

Don’t parent with Auto weights, you can use Empty Groups or manually add the rig in the parenting box of the mesh. (I would do it manually.) Auto weights will overwrite current weights, empty groups will not.


Its doesnt work for me. After i done this origin is still goes separately with empty… because mesh is parented to empty but for some reason origin goes with it and mesh stay still. And mesh didnt jump back to empty and to origin when i did all that

Because after i applied loc rot scale origin is stick to the mesh but once i reparenting it with empty groups origin is no longer stick to the mesh again

When re-parenting to the rig just choose “Armature Deform”. It will parent the mesh and set a new deform modifier, but won’t mess at all with weights or vertex groups.



I thought we were talking about armature and mesh origins. Now your asking about empties. I can’t help you if you do not supply the correct info.


Thats ok. But yes i had to provide full information at the beginning. So the whole story is that mesh had a rig. This rig was already animated. And this rig was parented to the empty. The empty had a follow path constrain. So because empty had a follow path constrain and rig was parented to this empty mesh supposed to be follow this empty but instead of - its only origin of that mesh was following the empty but mesh itself was staying still on the same place. So i thought that i need to bring that origin to the mesh so mesh will follow the empty also. But i failed to do that eventually and found another way around. But if you know the answer after i clarified this a bit than please tell me /// if not - thanks anyway.