How can I change the zoom step size?

Subject says it all.

Not sure about that. I zoom with the mouse wheel and dont have any problems. Its a smooth zoom no stepping.

Perhaps you could give more information?

I’m setting up key bindings to a 3dConnexion Space Navigator. The zoom keys, number pad ± and the mouse wheel on Blender 2.43, MS Windows platform, change the view point in discrete distance steps. I tried to figure out how to measure the step size but all I can tell is that when I have the view port set to Top and zoom in or out by one key or mouse wheel click, the view ‘jumps’ closer of further by half of a major grid square. That’s not smooth on my system. It’s a problem with the Space Navigator because a small movement on the device moves the view point to an impossible position.

In User Prefs, View and Controls theres a setting for Scroll Lines. Doesn’t work for me but then nor does Turntable.


Ya, scroll lines does nothing on mine either. I’ve been looking at Python API; doesn’t seem to be anything there I can use. It looks like patching in source code and recompiling, etc.

I have the same system as you, just not the noby mouse thingy. :slight_smile: My wheel scrolls smothly, stopping at any distance. It doesnt jump from depth to depth.

If you hold the plus/minus down, not releasing it, does it jump too?

Perhaps you can adjust the setting on your mouse interface instead of in blender. Also I have Tweak installed and perhaps that has something to do with it?

Scroll didnt work for me either, but turntable does fine.