How can I create a camera shake for blender from a finished footage shot on my phone/camera

How can I create a camera shake in blender from a finished footage shot on my phone/camera. Plus, what programs are there that can do same thing besides blender. I knew one such program before, but I forgot its name. It was convenient to do it there.

Sorry, i got it wrong the first time. You must 2d track a feature from the shaked footage and use the tracker to move the new video. I know how to do it in BMD Fusion 9 (it is possible in any compositing program), if you have the free edition of Fusion 9 here is the example (track feature in Red BG, paste tracker, change its operation ,move Blue BG with it). You can convert the tracker path to XYpath (r-click on the viewer) and remove all X axis keyframes in spline view so the shake is only up and down.
shake_transfer_example.comp (107.8 KB)

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Now i see that inside Blender (VFX type of project) you can track a feature and solve-geometry-link empty to track so you can have the tracker movement in your 3d scene and use it to move the camera.

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It depends on what you want to do.

You have 2d tracking, and 3d tracking.
The first is just fine when dealing with (almost) no parallax, the second is used to retrieve 3D data from the footage.

For 2D tracking you could use After Effects for instance.
For 3D tracking there’s lots of possibilities.
Fusion or Nuke as a solution to use directly into comp, or dedicated applications like PFTrack or Syntheyes for instance. From both you can export the data and import it back into Blender.
Or do it right away in Blender itself.

So you track your camera footage, get the camera information and movement into Blender and use it to link your 3D scene to the movement.
Lots of tutorials on this on YT for Blender :wink:

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3d Solving camera of a shaky footage will be hard (even impossible) that is why i suggested 2d trackers. But it is the most accurate method, no harm in trying it.

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No it’s not.
It often takes a lot more effort than pressing the “track” button :wink:

Sometimes you need to put some elbow grease into it by adding manual trackers, and keep doing this until you get a proper solve.
Unless the footage is really all over the place with tons of motion blur, than all bets are off and maybe better to do it ‘by eye’.