so i extruded things from my part but they are basically just lines and i cant seem to fill them up so is there a way to fill them up or are they going to be just lines
Welcome …
…well… extruding lines just leads to surfaces… you have to extrude surfaces to get 3D objects… ← solidfy them manually or by the solidify modifer… but… :
You may have to elaborate this to get a more suited answer.
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Select edges and press F to fill the space with a face.
To fill a line of spaces easier you can activate the f2 modifier in Blenders preferences > Add-ons. Find it and tick the box to activate it. It helps you to fill areas quickly. There are lots of videos to tell you how to use it.
There is a Grid Fill tool which automatically fills in areas.
In Blender, click Help >> Tutorials for some beginner video tutorials.
Or Help >> Manual.
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