Hi everyone,
So long story short, I overwrote many of my file folders with an older back up folder and lost new files. I tried to recover some files using DMDE software and managed to get back a few files. However, even though the recovered blender file shows a size of 1+GB, when I try opening the file in Blender, nothing shows and it gives me this error
‘bpy.context.space_data.system_folders_active = 1
yson03.blend’ failed: Failed to read blend file
yson03.blend’: Missing DNA block
Any advice/suggestions? Trying to recover and salvage some files while I know many files are probably lost forever.
Your .blend1 must’ve been somewhere, if it’s not, then you probably wouldn’t recover it
But on the other hand you can try this:
Make a new scene, go to File → Append and open that corrupted blender file, after that, open in there the folder called “Objects”, select all objects in there and hit the blue “Append” button.
i have the habit of deleting all .blend1 files after a project is done… I tried the ‘append’ method. It seems to work with small test files but the main file that is 1gb+ in size doesn’t show any folders when I press append