How can I get a Wii

I have been trying to tget a Wii for over 2 weeks, and whenever they get some they sell out before I can get there! Why is it so hard to get a Wii! They came out in November! Please help how do I get my hands on a Wii!!!:no:

simple answer: dont. it’s not worth it.

that post, was bollocks.

Liquidshield, give it a bit of time, they’ll soon stock up on Wiis for you

There’s always Ebay, but you’d have to pay an extra hundred to two hundred USD. I don’t know how it is in Europe or elsewhere. OR, you could do what I did to get an Xbox 360: find a forum for really obsessive radical nintendo extremists fans who post news on wii shipment dates. You MIGHT be able to catch a shipment on its way.

The dude speaks the truth

:ba: FOOL:ba:

You don’t need wii, you just need to get wiimote and you can already do a lot of stuff with your existing pc, console, etc.
Check this link

Erm what you do is order one at the shop. When it arrives they keep it back for those who have ordered.

Once all orders are done then they will start to shelf them.

It’s only true if you’re not a nintendo fan.

Don’t listen to the people who say it’s not worth it, because it is worth it.

Use these two sites to help you. Good luck!

P.S. According to statistics, Wiis should be widely available in march. But you aren’t going to have much luck finding one now (unless you look at these two sites).

I am a nintendo fan. I still own a snes and use it.
Wii just sucks. That is all.

I own a Wii and I can personally attest to the fact that it’s a great console. I’m no Nintendo fanboy either; if anything, I’m a Sony fanboy.

Wii is probably the best thing to happen to families and social gaming in a long time.


Thats an attitude I’ve seen common in what’s called “twitch” gamers. Essentially anyone that just wants to sit, body lounging on the couch, with only their fingers madly moving across the button and stick controls. Not to say this is bad, but its just not the way a wii is played.

I know the graphics are mediocre compared to the other console systems, but I’ve personally seen people that hate computer/console games (to the point that they refused to allow their kids play them ever) I’ve seen these people play the wii sports games for hours.

For those people, and those that aren’t averse to getting up and moving a little bit. The wii is a fine system. “Sucks” is not what I’d call any of the current generation of console systems.

And towards the actual topic here… watch your local big box stores like Walmart, and chat up the folks working in the electronics section. They’ll tell you what day/night to come in and wait in line for one. At least these places allow you to sit indoors (unlike Best Buy for example), though your wait will probably be less than 12 hours now, and not the reported 24 on the first release day

Or go to the store give 'em ur name and let them hold it for u that’s how it works here

Now that’s the right idea.

I mean to me the whole appeal of the “Wii” is really just the wiimote, and being able to play the good old games in a brand new way.

I just don’t see a reason to pay for the whole “Wii package”, when I can just use the wiimote with my zsnes emulator.

wii rox.
its so much fun, after playing it im bored of my ps2 (although ratchet and clank is brilliant) and it totally redefined call of duty for me (I still play CoD2 on the pc though)

sometimes it makes people feel better to pay money for things

like bottled water for instance

as for what you say about getting a wii, that just proves you aren’t dedicated enough. You need to go stand in front of the counter in the electronics section in Wal-Mart and sit there and you wait until a Wii arrives damit!!

First of all people… SHUT UP. This isn’t a thread about Wii’s suckitude, so let’s just keep those suckers out of this. Suck it up! It will maintain it’s suckiness and unsuckability no matter how much you suckisize or praise it.

Answers such as the one that Captain Oblivion came up with are a manifestation of fixed opinions over helpfulness and they should go and spank themselves. If you have nothing to say that would help the guy, then don’t say the nothing.

LiquidShield, you can try to make a reservation for it somewhere. “Book” it, or order it from some place, I’m sure you’ll get it somewhere, just keep on searching…

The :slight_smile: smily doesn’t really look happy “smile” smily. It’s more like “Well, ok” a bit dissapointed smile, in my opinion. The other smilies are pretty nice.

I’m not talking about old-school nintendo fans. I’m talkin’ about new-school. And you know what? New-school aint that bad. Why? 'Cause VIVA LA REVOLUTION, SUCKER!!! Haha!

Agreed. I’d be nice if some people would stop derailing threads just to fit their own little personnal agenda.


Thanks for some of your comments, some good ideas out there I’ll keep looking!!