I was wondering if it would be possible to import a blender gameobject into a blender game running with the web plugin, from a folder on the user’s computer. I’d want to do this to allow other web users to import thier own characters into a 3d blender website, based on a universal template. And I was also wondering if you could link to a webpage from within an online blender program. I’m planning on creating a 3d homepage community. With this setup, Blender could completely replace all other online 3d communities, and become an even more widespread tool. I’d plan on creating characters and house templates for non-artists, A set of site requirements for being listed as part of the community(these guides would make the transitions between individual site as un-noticable as possible, and standardise charcater size and interface), and provide links to every blender resource. I remember when I looked at the other 3d communities, they required the purchasing of special editing software to make your site looked how you wanted, and even those tools felt limiting to me. This would be the coolest thing, If I could pull it off. It would be a true online 3d universe. In my mind, this would be totally non-profit, but I’ve thought that advertising would be a good Idea too compensate for my maintenance. And a large percentage of that advertising would go to the blenderfund. So If your a blender plugin expert, or just would like to comment. I’d like to hear some suggestions on the plausibility of this project, If you have the time. thanks -chris
Oh man, this is a post for internal plugins! and python, sorry.