How can I make a object return to it’s original orientation when it reaches a specified angle?

How can I make a object return to it’s original orientation when it reaches a specified angle?

There are many ways. What exactly are you trying to do?

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My idea is to make an object return to the angle 0 every time it is in 180, for the Z axis.

I assume you want this automated, otherwise you could of course just animate it back by hand every time.
One easy way to do this is with a modifier. Not a “normal” modifier but an F-Curve modifier or to be precise the “Cycles” F-Curve Modifier.
These modifiers can be found in the Graph Editor and are basically functions that tell animation curves to behave in a certain way. In case of the Cycles modifier it gives you the possibility to let your animation repeat in different kinds of ways with a specified amount of repetitions.

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