how can i make a shadow?

I am trying to make a shadow in my new game but still no succes.
Is there a tutorial for making shadows, or can somebody tell me how to do it?

Like to hear from one of you because my project is running out of time, and the only thing i need is a shadow.

Kind regards,


first make a shadow texture in a paint program, and save it as an tga with alpha… then map that to a plane with alpha on… now in the vertex window, in face mode with the planes face selected, click the button SHADOW, then parent the plane to the main character, make sure the planes at the very bottom… now the plane will always stay on the ground directly under the character

if the plane appears to be under the ground, youll need to move it up in edit mode so its above its pivot point

It’s so simple… but your reply was verry usefull. Thanx

:x I wish blender had real shadows…

me to :frowning:

I am sure you can do real shadows, or at least fake it. You can do it with armatures. The problem is when the player is on uneaven terrain, the shadows would go straight through it, unless you could find a way so that the shadow sorta maps out the terrain and changes accordingly

I am sure you can do real shadows, or at least fake it. You can do it with armatures. The problem is when the player is on uneaven terrain, the shadows would go straight through it, unless you could find a way so that the shadow sorta maps out the terrain and changes accordingly

i have experimented alot with fake shadows… ive tried this method as well, and it worked quite well, but only at 1 angle… when the character turns, a real shadow would totally change due to the stationary light source, but the fake armature shadow still shows a side view running shadow =\ its funky looking

You could make an oval shadow, and use armatures to make it stretch and compress as the character runs.

This method is used in games like tomb-raider (version 3 and up) and produces a reasonable effect of an overhead light source.