How can I make an instance take the same rotation as another instance?


I’m quite new in Geometry Nodes and Blender overall and I was having a hard time with making my flowers face the same direction as the outside of the tree… Like as if the flowers embrace the tree? and not like this one where the flowers go into the tree. I don’t know if I explained well but I want to make it so the flowers face outward and not just in one direction but for the whole rotation of the tree (unlike this video where it’s only the Z axis

I tried to make it with this video but it didn’t help (probably because the surface I use isn’t a circle or a simple geometry form)

On the image, I want the flowers to be like in the red circle for the whole tree without the part in the blue circle

Thank you for any help coming my way and have a great day!

I can only post one media at a time as I’m a new user so here is the part with the flower Nodes

Hi redbean,
just use the Rotation output from the Distribute Points on Faces node:

instance_rotation.blend (121.2 KB)


You’re my saviour! I was struggling so hard, can’t believe it was that easy :')
Also noticed thanks to you that my Blender was not updated (as this node is available from 4.2)

Overall thank you so so much Zebrahead!

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