How can I make the battery part of this camera?

How can I make the battery part of this camera.
I have tried several times but my shape doesnt even come near to what is actually in picture.

Are you talking about the material part or the actual mesh? If mesh part try to separate out the mesh pieces and not model the whole camera as one piece. If material a voroni or noise texture used for bump would work.

Could you maybe be a little more specific? Show us some pictures of your previous attempts so we can see where you’ve gone wrong.

Not sure the detail and such of what you are going for but if this is what you are looking for then I am also attaching a link to the .blend file as well so you can look at the method to create it onto your model. This is a crude 128 sample with denoise on so quality of the render is low.

I want to draw the shape like that. I also need the material but I should first worry about the shape.
I have used simple bevel command on the edges but whenever I try to manipulate the middle shape everything is messed up.

Any help or suggestion will be appreciated.



Thank you for taking time and making that file.
How did you make the bottom part of the battery??



I don’t think that you need that many bevel loops at the top portion, could probably get away with adding in the loops and pulling them on the Y axis as needed to get the sharper yet smooth edge that is at the top of the casing. As for the middle section a couple edgeloops and select all the front edges and pull them out on the Y as needed to get the concave shape. As for the bottom portion I just left it with a squared section and added a slight bevel to it to get a tight smooth edge.

Thank you.

I will try to follow your method.



it worked … thanks man :slight_smile:

No problem. Glad you got it worked out. And glad I was able to help you.

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In the same camera picture,
and I am trying to make the body of the camera, but the corners of the original camera are very smooth , but in my case the corners are not that smooth, you can clearly tell the different , how do I make it seamless…

Do you have smooth shading enabled in object mode? Cause the actual shape looks about right from the images I have seen.

I tried that, but the shape looks kinda ridiculous when I smooth shade it

Have you activated AutoSmooth and set the angle? That can make a huge difference.

how to do that?

In the object properties, under tab, (little triangle next to material button), Normals section, check auto-smooth, then set your angle as desired. I normally have it around 30 to 35, though, depending on the object, I will move it up to 44.5, 60 or even 89.5

object data properties


Thank you very much

