How can I model this?

So I found this a nice model online which includes this piece:

I was wondering how i can make thoses triangles between the bars.

The only method i found is either by making a lot of boolens but that ruins the topology most of the time, or by adding a lot of loop cuts and edge bridgeing between them, but that takes a lot of time. I am curios if there is another maybe easier and more time efficient way to do this. I cant upload the blend file because I am a new user. Thx!


One way to do it would be to first model this as a solid surface made out of triangles, then inset the triangles (the inset tool has an option to do each face individually). a little bit of adjustment will be needed after, as the bars between the triangles will be thicker than the ones on the edges.

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A very smart approach thank you!

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Make a cylinder, cut it in half. Select all faces, Triangulate (mesh menu). Add a Wireframe modifier, done.

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Welcome :tada:…

Make a circle with 3 points, select the “top” point, set 3D cursor to selection, set pivot point to 3D cursor, select another point, duplicate, rotate edge by 60 degree, use Mesh → Merge by Distance, make faces, extrude top and bottom edge by 0.1, select triangles, inset individual by 0.1, select triangles, delete.

puuuhhh… brezzing in

Add a solidify modiffier wit 0.1, an array modifer with for example 24 , a simple deform modier set to bend 180 degree.

Get mad while finding the correct object/ rotation for the bending :crazy_face:

Add another array modifer…

…and noe “simply” apply the modifier and delete half of the triangles at the bottom and add some rectangles on the top…

Easy isn’t it ??? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Hangar.blend (117.5 KB)


Thanks man this is really smart and helpful!
And a great answer!