How can i render it in order to not stay more than 1 hour on it?

this is the animation and i need to render it in cycles in order to see what’s inside the globe

Isn’t it gpu rendering?
If you don’t have enough hardware performance, there’s no way.

Another way is to use the render farm service.

The fastest way is by EEVEE rendering.
If it’s not a Photorealism rendering, you’d better use EEVEE.

A couple of things that will help.

Shadow caustics, set the glass to cast shadow caustics (object shading settings) and set it to smooth shade, set shadow caustics in the light (light settings) and world (world settings-surface) and set the objects inside the globe to receive shadow caustics. This will help the light get through the glass.

Use de-noising.

(one minute 12 seconds 400 samples)

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Shadow caustics aren’t a bad solution, but it can fail depending on how many layers of glass there are.

If it fails, you will have to use the glass shadow trick instead.