How can I texture logs?

So recently I tried to make a log cabin in blender and after I finished modeling I couldn’t find a way to texture them the logs were cylinders scaled on the z axis. The texture would either be to large and wouldn’t look right or it would be tilled and look even more awful. i was wondering if someone ever textured logs how did you setup the texture and the uv map. The texture I use is

This one of the results that i get, the texture is streched and looks nothing like the preview from ambient cg.


Please attach an image of the current result.
The link is just the material you want to use, and I don’t know what the problem is. :thinking:

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I just edited the post. :+1:

If the material image is stretched, you can adjust the scale value of the mapping node.
※ When you scale it, the image used is repeatedly applied. If it is a tile image, it looks soft, but otherwise, the boundaries are visible.