How can make crowd stadium?

How can create a crowd in a stadium?.
Mocap free animations?..
Manual animations and .mdd caches + particles distribution?..
Kinect ?..

In this video They say they will do a video tutorial but no response or link to tutorial from 5 years ago.


I would make a couple of persons with idle animations (waving, head turning, cheering, etc.), arrange them randomly, then group them.
Then push the animations down in the NLA-editor and move / scale / repeat the strips differently for some randomness.
Then distribute the group with a particle system over the stadium ranks area…

Might need to add one/two more particle systems with different groups for enough randomness…
Also close up shots might be difficult because of overlapping geometries…
You also should pay attention to poly count for render / scene performance reasons. It all depends on how close the crowd cam shots are…