How can you color roughness or specular by a background image?

As seen in the image below, the light is mostly just a flat white, but what it should be doing is matching the color of the background/world image like in the reflections. Is there a specific procedure to set this up? Can it be done without the compositor?

Yeah, don’t use lights. Just use the world image.

Not that that’s a good thing to do, but it’ll do what you’re asking.

I turned the lamp off but that just made everything dark. If there was some kind of way to use the background as its own kind of emitter, that might work.

It is an emitter. That’s exactly what it is. If you want it to be brighter, turn up the strength of the background node, do some node works on the color you’re sending to the background node, or edit the world image.

edit: from other posts, it look like you may have just recently figured out how to use an HDRI world. Maybe you should show exactly how you’re doing it? It’s easy to not understand how something is supposed to work (and there are plenty of not-so-hot tutorials out there in the wild.)

It doesn’t give me much color, but it also makes the lighting weird so I guess there’s no solution besides the compositor.

Is that just a background image?
If you want the color on your mesh then use a HDRI…
This is exaggerated and roughness overblown, but needed to show HDRI color effect on the wet stone…I used an HDRI with multiple colored lights…

Yep just a background image. That does look like a good rendering of the desired effect, but would it change with the angle as a typical reflection would?

Yes it will completely change as it is an environment which produces the lighting.
You might be able to use your background as an environ map, if in the world nodes you use a environment texture and plug you image into that…
It won’t be a true HDRI but it will provide your image lighting, as it won’t be a true 360 image you would have to adjust the environment by adding in a mapping node, then you can rotate it on the z-axis and get where you want. ( just select the environment node and then hit Ctrl+T and it will add them for you if you have node wrangler active)

Alright well thank you, so it’s a bit of a tradeoff then. It’s nice when you can upload a background image and it appears as though it surrounds your model as if it’s actually in a room, but I suppose most likely that’s due to the panoramic length of the photo to begin with. If it’s just for reflections, it’s probably fine to have a flat image, or maybe even to map it to a UV sphere first.