How create a custom profile shape for this stamp?


For jewelry I need to create a stamp like in the example, you can see that the profile is not straight, there is like a curve (it’s to have a stronger stamp)
Do you know how to achieve this ? :nerd_face:

  1. Make a star. circle with 10 points select every other point. Scale.

  2. Extrude to desired height.

  3. Add loop cuts

  4. Select top or bottom and use proportional scaling, set like picture.

Hope that helps.

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Great, it works perfectly for the stamp :+1: :+1: :+1:
But for the logo :woozy_face:

Id probably go for each letter seperately and then join/boolean together.

Another method maybe to render a very high quality bitmap, and blur it, then use the displace modifier.

My bitmap was not very high res, but you get the idea.


I also used a subdivision surface after the displace.

You could decimate this mesh afterwards to lower the polycount.

Just a headsup.

Jewelry is an American English spelling,

Mine is in UK English. Jewellery.

You are too fast for me :laughing: !
So I tried your first idea, make each letter…
The problem is the weird topology :crazy_face:
Any idea how to fix this ? (I joined the blend file in case)
Punch.blend (1.1 MB)

Yup thats fonts. merge points by distance, respace using looptools addon, space.

Nothing to do but clean it up. Probably easier to retrace it in inkscape or illustrator.

Yes, I tried in illustrator, then export svg, but the curves always makes this shity topology :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:
I don’t believe that there is no way to converted a svg with nice topology, really :sob: !?

Yes, sometimes there is no magic button, and you just have to do the work.

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I am certainly not the only one who is annoyed by this conversion topology. I hope the brilliant devs will find a magic trick to fix this in the future (soon if possible :yum:)

Not really a priority. There’s no open tasks for it on, it’s not a milestone listed in any project, it might on one of the “backlog” boards but I doubt it. Retopology has always been part of the 3D pipeline, a skill artists have to learn, and there are already quite a few solutions to do it automatically already. There’s at least 7 professional retopologizers available on Blender Market, 5 or 6 free versions on GitHub, and several standalone executables that work with any 3D software (not just Blender)

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You can even make your own with geonodes.

To draw a curve press F3 search for draw.


:heart_eyes: I’m going to try this !!!

It’s not that deep buddy, take a few deep breaths and remember we’re all volunteers here :slight_smile:

yes 99% nice and helpful people here, it really is a great community! :pray: :kissing_heart:
But hey, sooner or later I will end up receiving a useless and condescending post, but normal, it’s a classic on the forums. :man_facepalming:
without hard feelings :peace_symbol:

Simple solution without much geometry:

1- Grab a .svg file of the desired stamp and import it to Blender

2- Add solidify modifier

3 - Add simple deform modifier configured to taper in the Z axis

This way everything is easily editable

You can make your own .svg stamp with a program like Inkscape or even Blender if you have the patience to deal with curves there


With text it doesn’t work as well

(separating the letters in this case could make it better)

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Great’ thank you Livia!
I have now a lot of options to try tomorrow🤩
It seems clear now that I definitely have to make it letter by letter.
I :crossed_fingers:, we’ll see very soon :wink:

I have something that could work:

1-Extrude the bottom of the text so you have 2 segments.

2-Select the sides of the new section, but not the bottom.

3-Use the shrink/fatten tool (set it to offset even or the corners will do weird stuff).

4-Remove the bottom section by scaling it to 0 in the z axis. Then, use merge by distance to remove the overlapping geometry.

5-Add 2 edge loops that go around the letters. Select the faces in the middle and use the shrink/fatten tool to create the curve. Don’t forget the inner holes of letters.

6-Add more resolution to the curve by beveling it.