How deep can I search in Blender?


I like Blender a lot but a weird feature of the search (from inside Blender) keeps annoying me where it only searches the exact folder you choose (when you want to, say, import an image), but none of the subfolders. Can this behaviour be changed in the preferences? I came across a button you can click where you tell it how many folders deep the search goes, but it’s from like 2017 and I couldn’t find it in Blender 3 (or indeed 4).

Hints appreciated!


I don’t understand the whole content (language issues)
I think it’s about getting the missing image. :thinking:

Based on my experience of using it, searching for subfolders doesn’t seem like such a good idea.
Also, if the path has the same file name, it may not be imported well.
The software does not know the difference for the same filename with different file sizes. :slightly_smiling_face:

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They’re talking about searching subfolders, the way you would in your operating system. I ran into this the other day, when I had a missing texture… I opened the file window in blender, went to my main blender stuff, typed in the texture name to search… Annnd nothing. Because it was in a subfolder, and blender didn’t look there.


Blender can search to a max of 3 levels deep.

One can find the setting in the FileManager editor, in the display settings (top right)… on the ‘Recursion’ property.
(Note that this will also display the content of all folders in the list)

Screenshot 2024-12-12 172152


@thorn @oo_1942
Quite so! :smile:

My concrete issue is with importing an image as a plane. The file sits two levels or so deep in my general projects folder and so doesn’t appear in the search results.

Ah! I shall look into this and give you an update . That sounds like exactly what I want, thanks!!

Thanks @Secrop and the rest of you!
That was the solution.

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