How do I animate using Shape keys on a Multirez\Sculpted model???

Here is the scenario\workflow I desire. Please tell me if this is possible.

I want to be able to create my character using sculpt and Multires… Lower the multires level and create shape keys. Bone and animate the character and then raise the setting on multires to the highest level for rendering.

Currently if you try to create a shape key on a Multires mesh, you get a pop up stating this is not possible.

Is there another workaround to this problem… ie is there a way to bake the displacement to a image map and apply the map to the low res model… then use subsurf to match the subdivision level of the high rez Multires model for rendering so i can use shape keys?

As I understand it, a shape key is just a list of every vertex and it’s location relative to object center. So, even if you could, if you ever applied that multires, you would be creating vertices that are NOT in the list because they are new) and so would not participate in the shape-change. sorta like every other vertex would morph, but the new ones would just stay stuck in place. So, bottom line is that you have to have all the vertices for your basis shape defined before you make the different shapes.

This is a major problem for people that want to animate the low rez cage with bones and morph targets… kind of a major oversight.l. in my eyes…
Is there a way to bake out the displacement of the high rez cage and apply to the low rez cage… obviously I am looking for something akin to ZBrush… that sort of thing…
jpbouza has a thread concerning the use of ORB to get the kind of maps you need to simplify things, and runs down a tut on workflow.

I will see if I can figure a way to define vert groups to do it, without making the shape keys yet, so that they will be easier to define afterward. But I think Bone animation is easier to do with multires right now.


Is there a way to use the old RVK technique… ( not that familiar actually…new to Blender). I did see a post where it was suggested to be able to morph from one mesh to another… not sure?

Thanks very much… I will take a look at the link you provided… Hopefully this will be the answer!! :slight_smile:

The issue I came across using multi resolution for shape keys was the tendency of a vert group in a lower resolution to overlap others when switching to the higher levels - for instance, a loop of verts becomes 12 rows of verts, and then the group of verts two rows over actually envelops these 12 rows at the same heightened resolution.
What I tried to do was a simple subdivided cube, and then add three resolutions. I made the groups at the first resolution, then watched the selection grow as I added resolution - then I swapped selections to the other vert group, and saw that the area was essentially the same. I didn’t have time last night to set up a face, but I think this is still functional if the resolution isn’t too low on the bottom end - I mean, I wouldn’t expect to make vert groups for making shape keys at the subdivided cube level, and expect the 5 level resolution to be worth anything. If I try this with an unsubsurfed version of my head model, I might be able to define the vert groups I will want to make into shape keys, then add resolution to see what kind of overlap occurs when. I’ll post up something when I get an example that works.
I hope you have success with ORB, it looks like a nice app.

Adding Multi Res will Delete Shape Keys - Proceed? That’s what I got when I tried to go to multi res on the mesh after setting a shape key from basis. So no, this will not work - looks like Bone manipulation is the only way to animate right now, so i would recommend reading up on using the different rigs for facial animation, if that is where you are heading. Calvin has a bad ass mouth rig, and you can check out a lot of the stuff jbpouza was doing with his insane BlenRig… Rigging is the easiest way to go right now.
Sorry, but I thought I could help - maybe setting the vert groups will still help for weight painting influence for your rig on different levels of multires.

I have to add one thing here, animating with MultiRes is not possible, with or without shapekeys. The thing is that apparently MultiRes calculates deformation based on the objects normals in rest position. Therefore, if you the deform the object with an armature MultiRes will go crazy or just dissapear from the part you´re moving.

That´s why the only way around this issue is to bake the MultiRes displacement into a displacement map…Hopefully Blender 2.50 will include this feature.