August 20, 2024, 4:37am
I have a group of objects in a collection. I want this collection arrayed in a circle. So I instanced the collection and tried to apply an array modifier, but it wouldn’t let me. What’s the deal?? Can you not array a collection instance??
Please help!
August 20, 2024, 5:26am
Try using the geometry node or using an Addon.
Some people will say “great another array addon, not have enough yet”. Maybe. The truth is that I always wanted to use the array tools of 3dsmax on blender. It’s not that I unlike the array modifier but to get a circular array, you need to add an empty and rotate him.
Unlike most other addon, I do not use modifier. So no extra empty to add.
With this you can :
create translation array with offset or global distance
create scale array with offset or global scale
create rotation array wit…
August 20, 2024, 6:33am
create circle, parent iinstance to circle using vertex:
Select circle, in object properties choose instancing → Vertices
You can align to Vertex Normal
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