How do I assign an armature to an object?

Yes a noob question. I just can’t seem to find the “assign” button anywhere.

Did I order my objects and armatures wrong or something?

Select your object, then your Armature. Press Ctrl + P to Parent, choose “Automatic Weights”.

Or, select your object, add an Armature modifier. The first way is generally better though :slight_smile:

I was watching a tutorial that said there was an assign button…
But anyways when I did what you said it seems to work. But when I rotate the armature this happens:

Depending on how your mesh is set up, the bones in the armature will affect it differently. Automatic Weights try to do their best, but a lot of the time, you need to do Manual Weight Painting to get the desired result :slight_smile:
Try watching this:

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