How do i call an operator from a modal operator with redo dialog?

I basically have a “normal” modal operator (A) which i start by a shortcut and works fine.

From that operator i call another “normal” operator (B) with a redo-panel, which will be shown if i start this operator via the menu.

If i am calling my operator B from A, i cannot see my redo panel.

i tried calling…

return bpy.ops.mesh.add_object() → didn’t work

return bpy.ops.test('INVOKE_DEFAULT') → didn’t work

so obviously i am making something stupid wrong here?

pass the operator the undo positional argument


bpy.ops.mesh.bevel('INVOKE_DEFAULT', true)

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Thank you for you answer!
I tried this, but unfortunately it didn’t work :frowning: i try to upload an easy lightweight example…

update: with a simple operator calling as you wrote it, it works…so i will open another question with my “specific” case :wink: thanks!!!