How Do I Fix This Problem?

Hello Everyone, Since i Joined Blender In 2019 Everything Worked Perfect After 5 Years This Thingy Came Up, The Problem Is Please Take A Close Look Up On The Mesh, Clearly You May See Or Not There’s A Jigsaw In The Black Zone Which Is The Full Colour, How Do i Fix This?

?? There should be a description of the problem :thinking: :sweat_smile:

Welcome :tada:

to be honest: It’s very hard to understand what you are trying to tell us. And it’s not only the language but also the image you choosed to “present” tour problem. From the possible 1920x1030 = 1977600 pixels you used only 72x72 = 5184 pixels to show something. Thats only 0.26 % of the whole image. Also you have not selected the modifier properties tab to show what your setup might look like. You may have used some sculpting or some noise and displacement.

As far as i see you have a problem with your texture…

…so the information needed to help you is: What procedural shader setup you are using (if any) or did you used some texture painting. Do you have proper UV’s… and maybe some more info.

You may have to elaborate this to get a more suited answer.

Welcome here. Looks like a texture fetch alias problem. Your UVs of these faces are pixelwise too near to the border of your black area on your texture(!) and around that you very likely placed that turquoise. Paint some more black around the specific area of your texture or scale the uvs of this meshpart a bit smaller and to keep the brighter color from bleeding in.

i Didnt Have Any Modifiers Enabled, And i Have Used Smart UVS With 0.007 Spaces

Attached the .blend file so we can take a look. Pack the texture with the file if it isn’t too large.

i have deleted the file but i may make a new one, the problem will appear on it

So you are asking for help and in the same time you have deleted the file?

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thats the same problem whenever i start a new project mesh i have stalking that problem with every project i have

If those jagged pixels only appear when your object is too small on the screen, you’re probably just seeing artifacts from mipmapping.
That isn’t a big problem.
This happens just when rendering with Eevee and in the Viewport… The texture might be ok, and just not optimized for mipmapping (which can be fixed).

It can happen when your texture has a low resolution, and/or your UV islands are too close to each other.
So, to avoid it, you just need to make sure that the UV islands have a good margin between each other. If your texture image is small, then the margin needs to be a bit bigger.
Then you can texture it without any problem; but if you’re painting in 3DView, try to keep the ‘Bleed’ value at minimum of 8px.

In case, the project is already advanced, and you’ve done painting all textures, changing the UVmaps will just ‘destroy’ the work done. But you can create a secondary UVmap, with the caracteristic pointed above, and bake your textures to the new UVmap.
This method, also allows you also to add a bleeding margin in the final output. And as it’s independent from mipmapping, it will result in better margins for mipmapping.

Please, help us to help you.
Could you make a more near screenshot of the issue?
Or, the best, share with us a blend file.

Probably @Secrop is right about your issue.

This happens to me quite often, specially when I paint a 8K image with a low bleed value, and then down scale it to 1K. (exagerating a bit, but you got the idea)

Normally, it isn’t a problem when i disable mipmapping in the game engine, but it’s visible in Blender (and I don’t know how to turn that off, or if its possible).
As long as the texture still fits into the UV, it’s easy to fix.

Yeah thats what I told him before, the op just decided to ignore it completely.

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ill try this then

It Actually Worked thanks for the solve :slight_smile:

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