How do i get rid of the atmosphere on the dark side of the earth and increase it on the light side?
ive got an atmosphere layer which isnt producing the unwanted light on the dark side but for some reason when i copied it, the copy decided it wanted to misbehave,

depends how it has been done
can you upload fiel so we can look at it !
sure here u go http://www.mediafire.com/?69lp681pz5gm87e
im trying to follow the tutorial at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bRM_OWxmMYg and ive tried to do this like five different times but i cant get the actual earth to show. the guy on the tutorial doesnt touch the alpha channels from what i can see. and the compositing nodes just confuse the hell out of me. BAAAAH. i thought this was a begginers thing.
heres a re-re-re-attempt http://www.mediafire.com/?c6ahmxe6c789o4a
you could try this PDF also
i’ll try to see how it was done cause there is more then one way
and nodes can be difficult to debug
well the ring around the color is done cause you use minneart for diff shading
so if you change it for another shader then it will dissappear
i did not have time to go over all the tut may be later !
does it solve your problem ?
if you remove this then it will all go away
may be you can add another object to make this effect around only 1/2 the planet ?
thanks for your help and time, i really appreciate it. althoughi thought of doing the half planet thing but i need it for an animation. alls good though. i actually went over the tut for the hundredth time and did it with a fine tooth comb, but i did it in 2.4, the same as the tut. (i just dont understand why people are still using 2.4x these days. i mean the fewer people on 2.5 the less documentation / decent tutorials there are for those of us who are starting on 2.5. and translation is a headache to say the least)
anyway heres the result.
can you PM the final file for this
it looks nice hope all the texture are included
well i tough it was in 2.5
but for ideas look at the PDF file it gives other ways i guess to do it
if you want more let me know i can find theses other planet things tricks
but image looks nice
what size of map for this earth mapping and where did you find it ?
the textures are in the tutorial’s description, the only thing different i did was use a better normal map, but i cant find the link.
there are some really great spec maps out there, some with a great ammount of detail. unfortunately, the ones worth anything you actually have to stitch together because the individual pieces are so large.
ill send you the fille when i get rid of the yellow line in the fall off.
and how did you correct the problem ?
also can you write a small PDF tut on this method of making it
it would be cool and can add in forum on tut !