so far the hand starts in the wrong place. it should be on the left.
but if I add frame zero and I its position then the cycle is all wrong!
thanks all
I did NOT put the pic in twice!
You need to give more information about your problem.
Is the left/right issue due to the camera position? Is it due to something not mirroring properly, or something else?
You have a cycle that takes x number of frames to complete. So you start it at frame 1 and it goers to frame x+1, not x. The second iteration of the cycle starts at x+1, the third iteration at x+x+1, etc.
Looking at your Graph editor, I see that the last iteration ends early. Just add as many frames to the run as is necessary to get the start and end values to match up.
does this help?
I made a delay of 150 frames before the hand has to sweep across
but of course the cyclic thing fill in that space!
temp hand on tablet 9plane.blend (1.9 MB)
I’m not in a position to tell what’s going on in your file, since I’m still a newbie myself and haven’t reached the point of using actions and cycles, but I do know that you have to make sure that the timing of everything that is supposed to run in a timed loop must line up with the same number of frames overall, so you need to look at the frame counts for each of your separate animated objects and determine the common denominator(s) between them that you need to measure your loops by. \
If your timing is off, then one or more of your animated objects need more or fewer frames.
I solved the problem by just chopping of the first second or so of the video when it is played.
you need to save the cyclic as an action… then create a different action… or a set of actions that the hand does…
then change out these actions using the NLA…
the NLA and the NLE are very similar… you edit tracks together make a movie… you edit actions together to make a complete animation…
note also… having the hand do nothing for a certain number of frames… needs to be one of your actions…