How do I get YafRay to work

I’ve installed it into my system but I don’t know how to integrate it into blender. What do I need to do to get it to work with blender?

ok someones got to know I’m Windows user and I’m using Blender 2.32

If you’ve installed Yafray in its default location, Blender should find it automatically.
To render with Yafray, you must enable the Yafray rendering under the render buttons.
Once you do that, Yafray will be called to render images. There are several posts out there that list which features are supported and which are not.
You should definitely read this page:
To get some reasonable results you must:
-enable Raytracing in the render settings.
-enable RayShadow for some of your lamps.
-enable RayMirror or Raytransp for some of your materials.
The energy of your lights will also have to be increased to get a comparable image.