How do I make an arrayed object along a curve twist?

I’m doing an opening credit sequence with this pink line going through a city:

For the pink line I created a curve, then arrayed a rectangle along the curve. For the camera to follow the curve I sued a ‘follow path’ constraint. My client wants the camera to turn upside down with the line. Meaning, the curve itself twists upside down. Um, don’t know how to do that! Any ideas??


I think its just a matter of selecting the control point and press ctrl t (tilt) and have follow curve selected in the constraint.

Do what a59303 said… In edit mode in the 3d window side panel you can see the tilt values…

Do you follow Polyfjord ? His tutorial from 3 years ago is still a great example of smooth camera motion.
If you are using blender 4.0 + then watch his latest tutorial and do the motion with GeoNodes. Its a far far better looking result than what you have done so far.
Sorry - but your motion is like a bulldozer. Meaning it is forward-turn-forward-turn like a 1995 game. You are not even tracking an object with the camera to give it smooth cornering. This is the basics of commercial animation. Your hand animation of the camera is something you should never do. NEVER. Polyfjords latest tutorial will have the camera soaring like a drone, or like spiderman.

Good luck.

okay thx, I’ll try it!

I’m using Blender 3.3. But thank you for the advice! Really appreciate it

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There is also this.

Follow Path is another constraint that works well with the Locked Track one. One example is a flying camera on a path. To control the camera’s roll angle, you can use a Locked Track and a target object to specify the up direction, as the camera flies along the path.